Processes are a very complex but important topic for understanding how Linux works. Covering all details about process management in Linux wouldn't be possible for one blog post, but let's have a bit of informative fun with process creation and especially with their deletion. It's Halloween and which topic could be more appropriate than birth, death and undeads?
Thoughts on data safety
Data safety is very important but often neglected. How important keeping one's data safe really is gets often recognized when disasters already happened. This article covers a few ideas how to prevent data loss even if your hard drive crashes or your house is on fire.
Boot your Linux silently
When you freshly set up a Linux distribution by hand, you get a lot of verbose output when booting into your system, but also install'n'go distributions like Ubuntu oder SUSE output some text when loading the kernel. This is not always desired and many people want to suppress these insistent system messages, but it's not as easy as you might think.
What Ext can do for you
The Linux Extended File System (Ext) originally invented in 1992 was the first generation of the well known Linux default file system. Ext is inspired by the Unix File System (UFS) and now exists in the fourth generation which is Ext4.
As the first blog entry here on I'll be showing you some of the great features of Ext2, Ext3 and Ext4!
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