Entries filed under category “Howto”:

Boot your Linux silently

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When you freshly set up a Linux distribution by hand, you get a lot of verbose output when booting into your system, but also install'n'go distributions like Ubuntu oder SUSE output some text when loading the kernel. This is not always desired and many people want to suppress these insistent system messages, but it's not as easy as you might think.

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Set up GTK application icons on KDE

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Gnome and KDE come more and more together but there are still some differences which sometimes might lead to incompatibilities between these two large desktop environments. Whereas you have relatively few problems with KDE applications on Gnome there are far more problems when using Gnome applications on KDE even though there are some compatibility engines. In this Howto Blog post I'll show you a way to converge GTK and Qt as much as possible from the perspective of a KDE system.

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