Dr. Frankenlinux or how to create zombie processes

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Processes are a very complex but important topic for understanding how Linux works. Covering all details about process management in Linux wouldn't be possible for one blog post, but let's have a bit of informative fun with process creation and especially with their deletion. It's Halloween and which topic could be more appropriate than birth, death and undeads? wink

The beginning of all: process 0

Most people think init is the mother of all processes, but that's not 100% correct. Also init is created by a process, which is called the idle process or swapper process. This process 0 actually is a kernel thread, which is created once the kernel enters its initialization phase. This process initializes data structures needed by the kernel and then creates a new kernel thread called process 1, which is the init process. Once this is done, process 0 executes cpu_idle(), henceforth it's only executed by the scheduler when no other process is running.

The init process

As yet the new kernel thread shares all data structures with process 0. The following call of the init() function finishes initialization of the kernel and loads the init executable from disk into the current process invoking the execve() system call. Once the current process's data structure is replaced with the new program, it becomes a regular process with PID 1, known as process 1 or init, respectively.

Process creation and why process and program are not the same

At first we have to ensure that we use the right vocabulary. Linux distinguishes between programs and processes. A process is a slot for executing a program. Therefore, it's a program in execution whereas a program is just a set of commands, which can be executed in a process. This also means that a process doesn't have to belong to one specific program and actually, new processes are always created by copying it and replacing the program of the new child process. New processes are children of init, but also each other program can create its own children. A new program can be loaded into the new process by execve(). To spawn new processes, three main syscalls are used:

  • vfork(): This creates a copy of the current process, which shares all data structures with the parent process. The parent process itself is suspended until the child terminates. This syscall is hardly used because it blocks the parent process and can lead to data inconsistencies due to data sharing.
  • clone(): clone() creates a new “lightweight” process. Lightweight processes are Linux's implementation of multithreading. With clone() a new process is created within a thread group. All processes within this group synchronize their data with each other and can be executed concurrently. Technically, lightweight processes have different PIDs, but due to the UNIX standard the PID returned by getpid() is the thread group ID which is equal to the PID of the first lightweight process in that group.
  • fork(): This syscall is mostly used for spawning new processes. Created children are more or less independent from their parent processes and have their own memory pages. fork() returns 0 if the current execution flow is in the child process otherwise the child's PID.

Copying processes can be very expensive and therefore Linux uses copy-on-write mechanisms. Once a new process is created, both, parent and child, share the same physical memory until one of them does some modification. The modified data is then written to new physical memory pages, so the data remains unchanged for the second process.

Death of a process

When a process has finished, it dies. That means that the kernel can reuse all the memory used by that process. But the process does not vanish immediately. Its process descriptor (which contains information about this process) is still kept in memory.

Zombie processes

Woohoo, it's zombie time! When a process dies, its process status is set to EXIT_ZOMBIE and the parent is notified with a SIGCHLD signal that one of its children has died. The zombie process will remain in memory until the parent reacts with a wait4() or wait()/waitpid() syscall. Normally, this happens immediately, so the kernel knows that everything is fine, the parent has noticed and got all information it probably needs and the process can be cleaned up. Such a process is then set to EXIT_DEAD and cleaned up. But in some situation the parent doesn't invoke a wait4() syscall. In that case the zombie process will stay in memory forever. Most of the time this happens due to faulty programming. You can examine zombie processes on your system with top. The number of zombies in memory is listed in the upper right corner. Another way is to use ps, which lists all processes running right at the moment. Zombie processes are marked with Z in the STAT column and have <defunct> appended to their command listing. To list all zombies, run

ps axo user,pid,ppid,command,s | grep -w Z$

That lists all zombies with owner, process id, parent id, command and status (always Z).

Orphan processes

You may ask how to clean up zombie processes. Well, you can't kill them since they're already dead. There are only two ways to get rid of those. The first is to send a SIGCHLD signal manually to the parent

kill -CHLD <parent-id>

but in most cases this is not successful because the parent just ignores the signal. Another way is to make the zombie an orphan. Orphan processes are processes which don't have parents anymore. Those processes are then assigned to init, which becomes their new parent. init regularly invokes wait() calls and cleans up all orphan processes. So when you kill the parent process, you kill all zombie children indirectly.

The problems with zombies

Zombies shouldn't be a big problem since they hardly consume memory because only the process descriptor is kept in memory. However, if, e.g., a server program creates zombies, they could become a real danger if your system is flooded with requests. Another problem is that Linux has a limited range of PID numbers. The maximum PID on 32-bit systems is 32,767, so at 32,768 the system will reset the counter and try to allocate free numbers from the beginning. But if all PIDs are used, no new processes can be spawned. The zombie processes reserve all free PIDs, thus Linux can't recycle them. On 64-bit systems zombies will take a little longer to pinch all PIDs since the maximum number can be enlarged up to 2²², which is 4,194,304 (i.e., the maximum PID is 4,194,303). The administrator can set the max PID by changing the value in /proc/sys/kernel/pid_max. By default this is set to 32,768, also on 64-bit systems.

You see: even though zombies are not a problem in most cases they can endanger your system stability when they become too many. So keep them in mind and file bug reports if an application constantly produces zombies.

The fun part: building a zombie factory

It's Halloween, so let's quickly create a zombie factory program. This is nothing of use, just a little Halloween joke. The following C code creates new processes in an infinite loop in interval of 1 second. They shortly drool and slobber and then they die and persist in memory as zombies.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
        pid_t pid;
        int i; 
        for (i = 0; ; i++)  {  
                pid = fork();
                if (pid > 0) {
                        // parent process
                        printf("Zombie #%d born:\n", i + 1);
                } else {
                        // child process: drivel then exit
                        printf("    *drool* Boooo! Arrgghh! *slobber*\n");
        return 0; 

Now save this program as zombie.c on your hard drive, compile and execute it:

cc ./zombie.c -o ./zombie

Then open another terminal and watch your newborn zombies:

watch -n 1 "ps u -C zombie"

Once your zombie army is large enough, kill the program with Ctrl+C (SIGINT) or SIGTERM. That's it! Have fun with it and scare all your Nerd mates. wink


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RT @reflinux: New Blog entry: Dr. Frankenlinux or how to create zombie processes http://bit.ly/bEiXyz

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昨天在乐维参与这两个问题的回答: Unix-like OS是如何有效的查杀orphan process? Linux对于一个process有最大运行时间限制么? 搜索过程中也解答了自己对Linux系统进程号一直以来存在的疑问,也加深了对僵尸进程和孤儿进程的理解。帮助别人的同时自己也有收获,这就是知识交流的好处,也是这种社交问答网站的价值所在吧。 关于进程号: 32位系统的最大进程号是32,767,当到达32,768时系统会重新开始计数并从头寻找可用的值给新进程 64位系统的最大进程号是 222 ...


There have been 10 comments submitted yet. Add one as well!
Basti wrote on : (permalink)
Very nice article! Just a question: wouldn't that command kill any zombie created (by sending sigkill)? pgrep -f zombieprocessname | xargs kill -9 I'm using that on frozen processes (i.e. wineserver..). The difference between processes and programs in linux can sometimes drive you crazy if you wanna detect ram usage of a single program. Do you have a cli tool for that? best regards
Janek Bevendorff
Janek Bevendorff wrote on : (permalink)
Yes, that should kill the parent process and therefore all its children. Note that you can't kill a zombie directly. Measuring the amount of RAM an application uses is very difficult. ps like tools give you just a percentage value. You should also be aware of the fact that occupied RAM is not always actively used RAM. E.g. when you run _free -h_ it looks like nearly your complete memory would be in use. But in fact only the -/+ buffer value is the actual used amount of memory. There's no way to show just the memory usage of one single program since it may use shared libraries etc. but you can calculate at least the approximate usage with pmap. Run _pmap _ as root to see a table of the memory usage of this program and all its used libraries. You could also use a profiler like Valgrind but that could change the behavior of your program. *EDIT:* Please refresh your browser cache I've lowered the indentation of comments a bit.
Cogoki wrote on : (permalink)
This article is terrific. There is, however, something wrong with the code. Fast zombies aren't cool. I've fixed that for you. Here's the patch: --- zombie.c 2010-11-15 16:18:36.249321212 -0500 +++ slow-zombie.c 2010-11-15 16:31:41.833321116 -0500 @@ -13,3 +13,3 @@ printf("Zombie #%d born:\n", i + 1); - sleep(1); + sleep(3); // slow zombies rule! } else {
Markus wrote on : (permalink)
just try this bash command, it will do the same as the c code (only more efficiently): :() { :|: }; : or this one, which reads more clearly: perl -e 'fork while fork'
Ishwor wrote on : (permalink)
perl -e ‘fork while fork’ < - yes it'll also create wabbits as Perl's fork essentially is a wrapper around fork(2) as well.
Ouroboros wrote on : (permalink)
"just try this bash command..." says the guy who posts a fork bomb. That thing is gonna be a little too "efficient". Gotta love that the emoji system "diffused" Markus' fork bomb tho!
Khalil Ahmed
Khalil Ahmed wrote on : (permalink)
good article facts about zombie mentioned clearly how zombie is created.
Ishwor wrote on : (permalink)
Good posted. ZSH gems (keep 'em coming ;) The infinite fork(2) that's used to create zombies is also called wabbit - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wabbit

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